70년대 분류

70년대 디스코 레전드 본투비얼라이브 Born to be alive 1979년

작성자 정보

  • 꾸니꾸니 작성
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컨텐츠 정보



꾸니가 추천하는 디스코 음악 레전드

본 투 비 얼라이브

Patrick hernandez - Born to be alive 1979 


We were born to be alive

We were born to be alive

Born, born to be alive

(Won't you be alive)

You see you were born

Born, born (Born to be alive)

People ask me why

I never find a place to stop

And settle down, down, down

But I never wanted all those things

People need to justify

Their lives, lives, lives

You see you were

Born, born, born to be alive (Born to be alive)

You see you were Born, born, born

(Born to be alive)

It's good to be alive

To be alive To be alive

It's good to be alive

To be alive To be alive

It's good to be alive

Time was on my side

When I was running down the street

It was so fine, fine, fine

A suitcase and an old guitar

And something new to occupy

My mind, mind, mind


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70년대 32 / 1 페이지
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